Just a small cat

Just small cat

But she changed my life

She arrived with a bang.

She left ever so gently.


This week I walked my beloved cat Psipsina to the edge of the rainbow.

My heart is broken, but so very glad I could be with her all the way.

Most of all, I am eternally grateful for all she brought to my life.

She changed everything for the better, and taught me an awful lot (yes, even about food). You wouldn't be reading this if it wasn't for her presence changing my life: slowly, subtly, dramatically.


I spent a lot of time this week thinking about how and why this happened. How and why the arrival of a small cat (mind you, with 3 kittens in tow!) could have such an impact.

I think it's down to two fateful decisions:

Her decision to choose me (I'm sure she actively decided this).

My decision to surrender to that new reality her decision created. (I could have chosen any number of ways to get rid of her. I didn't.)

From one moment to the next I decided to become a cat parent.

And just like that I changed identity: I was a person with no pets. I became a person with 4 cats.

I had no idea what I was doing or what that meant, or what this was asking of me. But making that one decision changed everything.

My priorities changed, my responsibilities changed, the way I spent my time, and how I organised my day changed. What I thought about changed, and what I dreamt of changed too.

Not because I wanted to change any of that. But because the changes flowed naturally from that one decision: to notice that life opened up a path, and to allow myself to walk that path by becoming 'the person with the cats'

It brought me a lot of learning, a lot of joy, and the inevitable pain of walking her all the way to the edge 14 years later.


Maybe you recognise such fateful decisions in your life too.

Maybe you are waiting for fate to decide for you.

Either way, it's not just the big decisions: every minute of our day, consciously or unconsciously, we are making (or allowing someone else to make) decisions that create our reality.

Because once you decide, everything else falls into place as if pulled by gravity.

You can decide to look for the bright side.

You can decide to trust your heart.

You can decide to cook creatively.

You can decide to eat well.



PS. You can hear more about Psipsina's story in this spontaneous video I made one day last year when she decided to photobomb my camera.

Categories: : LIFE


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